Coady Award
About the Coady Award
The Coady Award, first presented in 1954, is named after Dr. Moses Coady, a pioneer and key founder in the national co-operative movement who encouraged his followers to strive for a meaningful economic democracy that would permit the higher social activities of mankind. Credit unions reflect the values of Moses Coady by demonstrating their care for, and support of their local communities through co-operative economic development, education, philanthropy and involvement. Rev. Dr. Moses Coady was instrumental in the formation of the St. F.X. Extension Department. He and his colleagues worked diligently to develop a variety of techniques to initiate local community action. This work led the way to the Antigonish Movement, and thus, the start of credit unions in Atlantic Canada.
The Coady Award is presented annually to honour the Atlantic credit union or caisse populaire that best exemplifies leadership, support and involvement in its community. The winner is selected by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee of Atlantic Central’s Board.
CONGRATULATIONS to Eagle River Credit Union for winner the esteemed Coady Award for the year 2019.