Boards and Elections
Every year, Atlantic Edge Credit Union holds its Board of Directors Election for available director positions. Members are invited to run as a candidate in the election, and to vote for candidates who will represent the membership as a Board member.
Who is Eligible to become a Director?
A person who is a citizen of Canada, 19 years of age or older, an owner of the credit union and who satisfies the requirements set out in the by-laws of the credit union may be a director, unless he or she:
- is an undischarged bankrupt person;
- is an employee of a credit union, a trade association or the guarantee corporation;
- is not bondable;
- is an auditor, or a member of the auditor's firm, of that credit union;
- is a parent, child, spouse, brother or sister of an employee of the credit union;
- is the solicitor of that credit union;
- is a public employee whose official duties are concerned with the affairs of credit unions;
- is a person who has a loan with the credit union on which principle or interest is in arrears for a period established by regulation.
Are you Eligible to Vote?
Every owner who is 19 years of age and in good standing* is entitled to one vote.
*Share balance of not less than $5.00, has full owner status as of the date of the Annual General Meeting, and meets credit standards.
*The Credit Union Act does not allow owners to vote more than once per question or to vote by proxy. If a corporation or association is an owner of Atlantic Edge Credit Union,the Credit Union shall recognize a natural person authorized to represent the corporation or association by a resolution of the directors of governing body of the corporation or association.