Smart Savings Plan

A great way to save! Designed as an alternative to Canada Savings Bonds, this convenient plan can be set up using automatic transfers to allow you to grow your savings.


  • Save money with NO Monthly FEES
  • No waiting period for an emergency withdrawal
  • Matures just in time for holiday shopping 


  • Earn 3.5% return on your savings
  • Compounded monthly interest
  • ONE withdrawal* permitted per year (in-branch only)
  • Convenient automatic transfer into the plan

Plan begins on November 1st of each year, with principal and accrued interest paid at maturity, on October 31st of the following year.

*Upon second withdrawal, the plan will collapse into a YOUR Savings Plan automatically, forfeiting accrued interest and assuming the YOUR Savings associated rates and fees.

Contact us

To set up your Smart Savings Plan you can phone us at 1-877-377-3728, email or visit your nearest branch.